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Kingdom Connections

This summer, thousands of Christians visited Paris in conjunction with the summer games. Given this strategic moment in time, we wanted to convene and connect people to maximize the sharing the gospel with as many people as possible, both in Paris and beyond.

Sharing the gospel

Matthew 24:14

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world
as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.


As the world came together to celebrate the summer games in Paris, around 3,000 of evangelists and missionaries were in Paris to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Paris Missions helped these teams navigate the city during this time, but also organized multiple connection nights to take advantage of the unique gathering of people from around the world being in the city at the same time.​

Discipleship Gathering for French Pastors and Leaders
Equipping the local body


Through our partnership with Exposed to Christ Ministries, Paris Missions helped convene a group of 12 local pastors and leaders for a lunchtime discussion about discipleship. This event focused on providing some basic tools and creating some connections between local pastors and leaders that are interested in discipleship to help lay the groundwork for our continuing focus on discipleship in Paris.​

Prophetic Impartation Night
Speaking life and edifying the body of Christ


Given that there were many people in town with the gift and even the office of prophet, Paris Missions convened a trusted group of prophetic believers, and invited the body of Christ gathered in Paris to come together to receive prophetic impartation and encouragement. Around 50-60 people came together for this once in a lifetime event.​

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Evangelist Impartation Night
Stoking the flames of the evangelistic fire


In addition to the prophetic gathering, Paris Missions also hosted a gathering of evanglists to hear teaching and receive impartation prayer from people who carry the mantle of evangelist. A total of 20-25 people came together for this unique evening.​

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