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Image by Aaron Burden

Bible Distribution

One of the most important activities that Paris Missions is participating in is distributing Bibles during this summer's games.

The Word of God

Romans 10:17

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.


The word of God is powerful and sharper than any two edge sword. He has the power to create new hearts within people to bring conviction and to transform peoples lives. That's why Paris Missions is working with a network of partners to distribute Bibles, both physical and electronic copies throughout the summer games in 2024. 

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Multilingual Gospel Tracks
Making the gospel accessible for all


Given the context of millions of people from literally every country on the planet coming to Pais for the summer games; PAris Lissions saw a ned: a lack of accessible gospel tracks in different languages. Thus, we produced 10,000 multilingual gospel tracks in the following languages: English, French, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Arabic. We made these tracks avaiable to mission teams and evangelists so they could share the gospel to people from around the world. We added a QR code to a follow up form, and to 

YouVersion Bible App
Sharing the word of God in partnership


Paris Missions is a ministry of the Kingdom Impact Network, which has a partnership with the YouVersion Bible App. As part of our partnership, we partnered with YouVersion to share the Bible app during the outreaches throughout the summer games. We mad the QR code available to the teams we worked with, and put it on our multilingual gospel tracks as well.

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